

Use an instrument to read a single color value. This can be a useful diagnostic aid.

[ A commercial tool that does much of what spotread does and more, is the ArgyllPRO ColorMeter. ]

Usage Summary

spotread [-options] [logfile]
 -v                    Verbose mode
-s                    Print spectrum for each reading.
 -S                    Plot the spectrum in a graph window.
 -c comport            Set COM port, 1..4 (default 1)
 -t                    Use transmission measurement mode
 -e                    Use emissive measurement mode (absolute results)
 -eb                   Use display white brightness relative measurement mode
 -ew                   Use display white point relative brightness and chromatically adjusted mode
 -p                    Use telephoto measurement mode (absolute results)
 -pb                   Use projector white brightness relative measurement mode
 -pw                   Use projector white point relative brightness and chromatically adjusted mode
 -a                    Use ambient measurement mode (absolute results)
 -f                    Use ambient flash measurement mode (absolute results)
 -rw                   Use reflection white point relative chromatically adjusted mode
 -y X                  Display type - instrument specific list to choose from.
 -I illum              Set simulated instrument illumination using FWA (def -i illum):
                         M0, M1, M2, A, D50 (def.), D50M2, D65, F5, F8, F10 or file.sp

 -i illum              Choose illuminant for computation of CIE XYZ from spectral reflectance & FWA:
                         A, D50 (def.), D50M2, D65, F5, F8, F10 or file.sp
 -Q observ             Choose CIE Observer for spectral data or CCSS instrument:
1931_2 (def.), 1964_10, 2012_2, 2012_10, S&B 1955_2, shaw, J&V 1978_2 or file.cmf
 -F filter             Set filter configuration:
   n                    None
   p                    Polarising filter
   6                    D65
   u                    U.V. Cut
 -E customfilter.sp    Compensate for emission measurement filter
 -A N|A|X|G            XRGA conversion (default N)
 -w                    Use -i param. illuminant for comuting L*a*b*
 -x                    Display Yxy instead of Lab
 -h                    Display LCh instead of Lab
 -u                    Display Luv instead of Lab
 -V                    Show running average and std. devation from ref.
 -T                    Display/Suppress correlated color temperatures, CRI, TLCI & IES TM-30-15
 -d                    Display density values
 -N                    Disable initial calibration of instrument if possible
 -O [fname.sp]         Do one cal. or measure and exit [save spectrum to file]
 -H                    Use high resolution spectrum mode (if available)
 -R fname.sp           Preset reference to spectrum
-X file.ccmx          Apply Colorimeter Correction Matrix
 -X file.ccss          Use Colorimeter Calibration Spectral Samples for calibration
 -Y r|n                Override refresh, non-refresh display mode
 -Y R:rate             Override measured refresh rate with rate Hz
 -Y A                  Use non-adaptive integration time mode (if available).
 -Y a                  Use averaging measurement mode (if available).
 -Y y                  Show even serial instrument display calibration types in usage (slow!)
 -Y W:fname.sp         Save instrument white tile ref. spectrum to file
 -Y S:fname.cmf        Save instrument raw & XYZ spectral sensitivites to files
 -Y L                  Test for i1Pro Lamp Drift, and remediate it
 -W n|h|x              Override serial port flow control: n = none, h = HW, x = Xon/Xoff
 -D [level]            Print debug diagnostics to stderr
 logfile               Optional file to save reading results

Usage Details and Discussion

spotread operates in a similar fashion to chartread, but allows the reading of a succession of single color values. This can be useful in diagnosing issues with profile creation and operation.

The -v flag causes extra information to be printed out during chartread operation.

The -s flag enables the printing out spectral reflectance/transmittance values, if the instrument supports this.

The -S flag enables the plotting of the spectral reflectance/transmittance values, if the instrument supports this. If a reference is taken, this will be plotted in red. You may have to re-focus to your command line window after the plot window first appears.

The Graph plots light wavelength on the X axis, and either absolute or relative level on the Y axis.

  Measurement Mode  
Y Units
Emission Flash
Ambient Flash

The instrument is assumed to communicate through a USB or serial communication port, and the port can be selected with the -c option, if the instrument is not connected to the first port. If you invoke spotread so as to display the usage information (i.e. "spotread -?" or "spotread --"), then the discovered USB and serial ports will be listed. On UNIX/Linux, a list of all possible serial ports are shown, but not all of them may actually be present on your system.

If using an Xrite DTP41T or SpectroScanT, and printing onto transparent or back lit media, use the -t flag to operate the instrument in transparency mode. If using the Spectroscan, this triggers a fake transparency mode, that uses a separate backlight (such as a light box). The  instrument will be used to calibrate the level of backlight, and use this to compute the transparency of the test chart samples. Note that for good transparency values, the backlight level needs to be neither too bright not too dark, should ideally be incandescent rather than fluorescent (since fluorescent lights often have big dips in their spectrum), and ideally should be of uniform brightness over the measurement area.

The -e flag allows measuring in emission mode (e.g. displays or illuminants) using instruments that support this mode. An adaptive integration time will be used in devices that support it by default (see the -ZA flag). Values returned are absolute.

The -eb flag allows measuring in emission mode using instruments that support this mode, with the brightness reading being relative to the white value read as the first reading. While the brightness values are then relative to the white, the readings are otherwise absolute. This corresponds to the raw ICC absolute readings created by spotread.

The -ew flag allows measuring in emissive mode using instruments that support this mode, with the reading being relative to the white value read as the first reading using a Bradford chromatic adaption. This matches the absolute <-> relative intent transformation of Argyll ICC profiles.

The -p flag allows measuring in telephoto mode, using instruments that support this mode, e.g. the ColorMunki. Values returned are absolute.
 Note that you would use normal emissive mode to measure projectors using instruments without a specific telephoto mode.

The -pb flag allows measuring in telephoto mode using instruments that support this mode, with the brightness reading being relative to the white value read as the first reading. While the brightness values are then relative to the white, the readings are otherwise absolute. This corresponds to the raw ICC absolute readings created by spotread.

The -pw flag allows measuring in telephoto mode using instruments that support this mode, with the reading being relative to the white value read as the first reading using a Bradford chromatic adaption. This matches the absolute <-> relative intent transformation of Argyll ICC profiles.

The -a flag allows measuring in ambient illumination mode using instruments that support this mode (i.e. Eye-One Display 2). Values returned are absolute, and include the various color temperatures and Color Rendering Index (see -T). If the instrument does not support ambient mode, emissive mode will be used instead. An adaptive integration time will be used in devices that support it.

For an instrument that supports it (i.e. the Emulated transmission measurement mode of the JETI 1211), then using -a after the -t switch will select the alternate 90/diffuse transmission geometry (i.e. using the ambient adapter for transmission measurement).

The -f flag allows measuring a flash with those instruments that support scanning emissive measurements. The instrument needs to be triggered by holding down its button, triggering the flash, then releasing the button, similar to how a reflective strip is read.

The -rw flag allows measuring in reflection mode using instruments that support this mode, with the reading being relative to the white value read as the first reading using a Bradford chromatic adaption. This matches the absolute <-> relative intent transformation of Argyll ICC profiles.

  The -y flag allows setting the Display Type. The selection typically determines two aspects of of the instrument operation: 1) It may set the measuring mode to suite refresh or non-refresh displays. Typically only LCD (Liquid Crystal) displays have a non-refresh nature. 2) It may select an instrument calibration matrix suitable for a particular display type. The selections available depends on the type and model of instrument, and a list of the options for the discovered instruments will be shown in the usage information. For more details on what particular instruments support and how this works, see Operation of particular instruments. 3) Any installed CCSS files (if applicable), or CCMX files. These files are typically created using ccxxmake, and installed using oeminst. The default and Base Calibration types will be indicated in the usage.

The -I parameter allows specifying a standard or custom illumination spectrum to be used as the simulated reflectance instrument illuminant when FWA compensation is used during measurement, overriding the default D50 or CIE computation illuminant used for FWA (see -i below). If intending to use standard M0, M1 or M2 conditions, then use just the -I option and not the  -i option. See colprof -f for a fuller explanation.

The -i parameter allows specifying a standard or custom reflectance illumination spectrum applied to reflective or transmissive spectral data to compute CIE tristimulus values. A, D50, D50M2, D65, F5, F8, F10 are a selection of standard illuminant spectrums, with D50 being the default. If using -I to obtain standard M0, M1 or M2 conditions, then this -i option is not normally used. If a filename is specified instead, it will be assumed to be an Argyll specific .sp spectrum file. If FWA compensation is used during measurement, this illuminant will be used by default as the simulated instrument illuminant.

The -Q flag allows specifying a tristimulus observer, and is used to compute PCS (Profile Connection Space) tristimulus values. This is possible for a spectral instrument, or a colorimeter that has CCSS capability. The following choices are available:
  1931_2 selects the standard CIE 1931 2 degree observer. The default.
  1964_10 selects the standard CIE 1964 10 degree observer.
  2012_2 selects the proposed CIE 2012 2 degree observer
  2012_10 selects the proposed CIE 2012 10 degree observer
  1955_2 selects the Stiles and Birch 1955 2 degree observer
  1978_2 selects the Judd and Voss 1978 2 degree observer
  shaw selects the Shaw and Fairchild 1997 2 degree observer
  file.cmf selects an observer specified by the given .cmf file.

The -F options allows configuring the instrument to have a particular filter fitted to it. Some instruments (i.e. the Gretag Spectrolino) allow the fitting of various filters, such as a polarizing filter, D65 illuminant simulation, or Ultra Violet Cut filter, and this option allows the instrument to be configured appropriately.

The -E option allows for an emission or ambient measurement through an extra filter of some kind. The file should be the transmission spectrum of the filter. This is useful in allowing for such things as telescopic adapters, integration spheres, eye glasses, polarizing filters etc. Note that this is only supported by the spectral instruments.

The -A options allows overriding the default or environment variable set XRGA conversion:

    -A N|A|X|G

        The N argument sets the calibration to Native (default).
        The A argument sets the calibration to XRGA.
        The X argument sets the calibration to XRDI.
        The G argument sets the calibration to GMDI.

The -w option causes the L*a*b* reading to converted using the -i parameter white point, rather than the default of D50.

The -h option causes the reading to be displayed as XYZ and LCh values, rather than the default XYZ and L*a*b*

The -u option causes the reading to be displayed as XYZ and L*u*v* values, rather than the default XYZ and L*a*b*

The -V enables average and standard deviation statistics on the XYZ and L*a*b* values. This start and is reset whenever a reference is taken ('r' key). A side effect of this option is to disable the clamping of XYZ and L*a*b* value to positive, so that a valid average of black can be obtained.This is useful in quantifying repeatability.

If the measurement is not Ambient mode, the -T option causes various color temperatures to be displayed, plus the Color Rendering Indexes. If the measurement mode is Ambient mode, then the normal display of color temperatures and Color Rendering Indexes is suppressed.

Three color temperatures will be shown. The first (CCT) is the classic Correlated Color Temperature, which is the black body (Plankian) color closest to the measured color in the CIE 1960 UCS color space. The second (VCT) is the black body (Plankian) color that has a minimum CIEDE2000 error to the measured color. The last (VDT) is the daylight color that has a minimum CIEDE2000 error to the measured color. The delta E between the closest temperature and the measured color is also shown for each. The Color Rendering Index (CRI Ra) including the other R value; the TLCI (Qa) is also computed if the instrument is capable of spectral measurement; the IES TM-30-15 "Method for Evaluating Light Source Color Rendition" values Rf and Rg values, together with the corresponding Correlated Color Temperature (CCT) and CIE 1960 UCS DU'V' value. If the notation (Caution) is displayed after the CRI or TLCI, then this means that the the spectrum white point is beyond the standard tolerance distance from the black body or Daylight illuminant locus. This may make the CRI or TLCI measurement less accurate, and indicates that the illuminant may be a lower quality source of light.

The -d option causes various Density values to be computed and printed. This will only work with a spectral instrument. Density values only make sense for reflective or transparency measurement. The following types of Density measurements are displayed: ISO Visual, Type 1, Type 2, Status A, M, T & E  Cyan, Magenta,Yellow & Visual.

-N Any instrument that requires regular calibration will ask for calibration on initial start-up. Sometimes this can be awkward if the instrument is being mounted in some sort of measuring jig, or annoying if several sets of readings are being taken in quick succession. The -N suppresses this initial calibration if a valid and not timed out previous calibration is recorded in the instrument or on the host computer. It is advisable to only use this option on the second and subsequent measurements in a single session.

-O Do a calibration or a single measurement and exit. If a filename is given: -O fname.sp, then also save the spectrum to this file. To take a measurement with an instrument that always does a calibration first, calibrate it and then use -O with -N. (The -O option is intended to simplify scripted use of spotread.)

The -H option turns on high resolution spectral mode, if the instrument supports it. See Operation of particular instruments for more details.

The -R fname.sp option allows specifying a reference spectrum to preset the reference values used to calculate delta E etc. This can be useful in checking against a previously saved value ('s' command), or in checking the instruments consistency against it's reflective white reference spectrum.

The -X file.ccmx option reads a Colorimeter Correction Matrix from the given file, and applies it to the colorimeter instruments readings. This can improve a colorimeters accuracy for a particular type of display. A list of contributed ccmx files is here.

The -X file.ccss option reads a Colorimeter Calibration Spectral Sample from the given file, and uses it to set the colorimeter instruments calibration. This will only work with colorimeters that rely on sensor spectral sensitivity calibration information (ie. the X-Rite i1d3, or the DataColor Spyder4 & Spyder5).This can improve a colorimeters accuracy for a particular type of display. A list of contributed ccss files is here.

The -Y r and -Y n options overrides the refresh display mode set by the -y display type selection, with -Y r forcing refresh display mode, and -Y n forcing a non-refresh display mode. Not all instruments support a display measurement refresh mode, or the ability to override the mode set by the display type selection.

The -Y R:rate options overrides calibration of the instrument refresh rate. This may be useful if the instrument supports this function and the refresh rate cannot be accurately calibrated from the display itself.

The -Y A option uses a non-adaptive integration time emission measurement mode, if the instrument supports it, such as the Eye-One Pro, ColorMunki, i1d3 or K10. By default an adaptive integration time measurement mode will be used for emission measurements, but some instruments support a fixed integration time mode that can be used with display devices. This may give faster measurement times, but may also give less accurate low level readings.

The -Y a option uses an instruments averaging mode, if available (i.e. JETI 1211). Averaging mode maygive slower but more accurate measurements.

The -Y y option will figure out all instrument types and show their specific display calibrations in the usage display, even for serial connected instruments. This may be very slow, as each serial port has to be tried multiple times to figure out if an instrument is attached. Normally only USB and similar quickly identified instruments will have their specific calibration types listed in the -y option usage. Note that you should set this on the command line before triggering the usage, i.e. "spotread -Yy -?".

The -Y W:fname.sp option allows saving an instruments reference white tile reflectance spectrum to a file. Reflective instruments use a white reference tile to calibrate against, and typically the spectral reflectance of the white tile is recorded inside the instrument to calibrate to. The saved spectrum can be used to compare against the measurements of a reference grade measurement of the white tile to check for tile deterioration, or can be used as a reference for checking on instrument calibration accuracy or consistency (See the -R option). Not all instruments support this option (Currently the Spectrolino, i1Pro, i1Pro2 and ColorMunki spectrometer.)

The -Y S:fname.cmf option allows saving an instruments calibration raw and XYZ calibrated spectral sensitivity curves. Some colorometers (such as the i1d3) are calibrated by measuring the spectral sensitivity of their three sensors, and then using this in combination with the Colorimeter Calibration Spectral Sample to compute a calibration matrix.  This option saves these curves to two files, raw curves to fname.cmf and XYZ calibrated curves to xyzfname.cmf. These can be plotted using specplot.

  The -Y l|L option is a special function for X-Rite i1Pro instruments. These instruments use an incandescent lamp as a light source for reflectance measurement, and some instruments after some patterns of use, can suffer from Lamp output thermal drift, due to the build up of filament tungsten on the bulb inner surface. Thermal drift will affect reflectance measurement repeatability. This function first measures the Lamp drift, and then if the -Y L version is used and the drift is greater than normal (0.06 - 0.1 Delta E), it will attempt to remediate the problem by turning the lamp on for some seconds so that it reaches normal operating temperature and is able to re-circulate the tungsten back onto the filament properly. It will then wait for the lamp to cool, and re-measure the drift. These operations can take a few minutes, and it is advisable to let the instrument cool off further after this operation, for 2 - 5 minutes, to allow it to return to normal operation conditions.

The remediation function should only be used occasionally or if the repeatability of the instrument seems to be poorer than usual, as frequent use may consume lamp life unnecessarily. If the lamp is nearing its end of life, this function may not be effective.

The -W n|h|x parameter overrides the default serial communications flow control setting. The value n turns all flow control off, h sets hardware handshaking, and x sets Xon/Xoff handshaking. This commend may be useful in workaround serial communications issues with some systems and cables.

The -D flag causes communications and other instrument diagnostics to be printed to stdout. A level can be set between 1 .. 9, that may give progressively more verbose information, depending on the instrument. This can be useful in tracking down why an instrument can't connect.

The logfile is an optional file that can be specified to capture each reading taken. There will be column headers printed to the first row, and then each reading will be on a separate line with tab separators.

All instruments will be used in a spot mode. For the SpectroScan instrument, the samples can be placed on the table, and the measuring head positioned before taking a measurement. Note that the default mode (reflectance measurement) may not be supported by the instrument, so a mode it does support will be selected automatically. Override this on the command line if desired. Note that the DTP51, DTP92, DTP94 and Eye-One Display are colorimeters, and cannot read spectral information, and that the DTP92 can only read CRT type displays.

Once spotread has established communications with the instrument, it awaits a command from the user, indicated by the user hitting a key or activating the instrument switch. XYZ values are in the range 0 .. 100 for reflective or transmissive readings, and absolute cd/m^2 for display, emissive and ambient readings.

By default the L*a*b* values are computed relative to a fixed D50 100 scale white point, so values for emissive sources are not particularly useful.
Using the display white relative mode uses a Bradford chromatic transform to transform from the measured white to a D50 white (the same as ArgyllCMS ICC profile deals a display white), and then computes the D50 L*a*b from that.
If Fluorescent Whiter Additive (FWA) compensated readings are to be made, then this needs to be enabled with the correct command line switches, and then setup for each paper white background color, to establish an FWA reference. There is one FWA reference locations available for each alphabetic character not used for a special function (ie. not H, K, N, Q, R, S, F), keyed to the capital letters A-Z, allowing FWA corrected comparisons between many different media.

Once a particular reference location is initialized with the FWA paper color, subsequent readings triggered by using the corresponding lower case letter a-z will use FWA compensation for that keyed location. Note that readings that are triggered some other way (ie. using a non alphabetic key, or using the instrument switch) will not be FWA corrected readings.

If a non-FWA readings is to be performed, then a reading for a location that has not been initialised for paper white should be used, or a non alphabetic key (such as space or return) or instrument switch trigger should be used.

If the instrument supports a high resolution spectral mode, then it can be toggled on and off using the h key.

If the instrument supports a laser target (such as the JETI specbos), then this can be toggled on & off using the t key. It will automatically be turned off at each measurement.

If the instrument supports stored readings (ie. DTP20), then these can be ignored using the n key.

The previous reading can be stored as a reference, and delta E's computed for each reading, using the r key.

A previous spectral reading can be saved in a spectrum CGATS file (spectrum.sp) using the s key, making this a convenient way of creating a custom illuminant spectrum.

A calibration can be initiated using the k key.

For instruments that support it and are in a refresh display mode, the calibrated refresh rate can be read back using the f key.

For instruments that support it and are in an emissive measurement mode, a display refresh rate measurement can be made by using the F key.